A repository van most major releases back to 2009, inside a clean docker container
docker pull ghcr.io/mocacinno/mocacinno/bitcoin_core_docker:v2.2
docker pull mocacinno/btc_core:v2.2
versions v0.2.0 till v0.2.2 are completely different from the other versions (and images).
It seems like these very old versions don’t have a headless daemon… You HAVE to run a gui… Which is great fun inside a docker container (sarcasm).
Because this requirement, i was no longer able to package this version inside a neat, safe, small minimal container, but i had to use a much larger base image instead (so, it has more attack vectors and a bigger size). Because i’m jumping from windows to linux, the wxwidgets gui looks like crap on my pc… I really hope you guys have more luck than i did!!!
What i did to get this stuff running:
#on my docker host (not inside the container)
xauth list
#i then copied all the magic cookies... each line contains one magic cookie, corresponding to one screen!!!
#i then started my container
docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --network=host --entrypoint /bin/bash -it mocacinno/btc_core:v2.2
#inside my container, i tried each magic cookie combined with each screen... So for example this was one of my tries:
export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0
xauth add myhostname/unix:10 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 randomstring_copied_from_first_step
#then i tried the second magic cookie
export DISPLAY=localhost:11.0
xauth add myhostname/unix:11 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 randomstring_copied_from_first_step
Previous version: v0.2.1 | Next version: v0.2.3 |
For more information on how to use the Docker image, visit the User Documentation.