Developer Guide

A repository van most major releases back to 2009, inside a clean docker container

Developer Guide

This guide explains how developers can contribute to the Bitcoin Core Docker Compilation project.

Setting Up Your Environment

  1. Install Docker:

    Follow the official Docker installation guide for your operating system: Install Docker.

  2. Fork the Repository:
    • Go to the GitHub repository and click on “Fork” to create a copy in your own GitHub account.
  3. Clone Your Fork:

     git clone
     cd bitcoin_core_docker
  4. Modify the Dockerfile:
    • Switch to the branch for the version you’re modifying: git checkout v26.1
    • Make your modifications to the Dockerfile in the version folder.
  5. Testing Your Changes: Build and test the modified Docker image:

     docker build -t yourusername/btc_core:v26.1 .
     docker run -it yourusername/btc_core:v26.1 /bin/bash
  6. Commit Your Changes:

     git add .
     git commit -m "Description of your changes"
     git push origin v26.1
  7. Create a pull request:
    • Open a pull request from your fork to the original repository. Make sure to explain your changes clearly.